This wee house sparrow came every day for two weeks to visit our little house by the ocean. I named her Lina and fed her crushed peanuts. She did not have a long life, but she did have a sweet life that had in it flying, love, admiration, peanuts, and adventure. I watched her zoom from the rooftop to the tops of the pine trees on her pretty little wings. Around this house there are seagulls, crows, bluejays, starlings, hummingbirds, and doves. Sometimes a falcon comes. Lina could fly straight up, and she could coast straight down, from the roof to the little garden where the peanuts were.

When she was injured, most likely by another bird, she let me catch her. I took her in a shoebox to a man every bit her equal in sweetness, a man who cares for injured shore birds, and he did his best to help her. None of the cats who live in  the wooded places here by the sea had the chance to bother her, which is something to be thankful for.

I hope she will get another chance at this place, maybe as a screech owl, or at least a big seagull. 

The day after her passing I made a little portrait to remember her with. 


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